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Cucumber & Dill kimchi

Your low calorie daily of antiox freshness

Ingredients (serves 2)

4 cucumbers, sliced (1kg/2.2lb)
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1 Kimchi @Home base
1 lemon juice
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
Fresh dill
Black pepper, freshly ground

How to make it

  1. In a large bowl, combine cucumber, onion, lemon juice, sugar and kimchi base. Gently rub for 2 minutes without breaking the cucumber slices.

  2. Add lemon zest and black pepper and mix


This is a fresh kimchi, you don’t need to ferment it to enjoy it’s healthy qualities and delicious flavor

Nutrients: Water, fiber, vitamins C and K, magnesium, potassium, manganese
Health benefits: Low calories, antioxidant, high content of nutrients, helps managing weight, helps reducing blood sugar.

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